Making Money Online – Is It Possible?

I’ve been looking into taking Adsense a bit more serious lately, trying to setup some new wesbites, improving and optimising existing ones etc to try improve my earnings.  I think I’d rather be earning a smaller amount from a few sites, than a big amount from one, as I do now, would feel safer.  This is the reason you may have heard me mention a few new sites lately, none of which are likely to ever get finished, knowing me, but never mind 😛

I’ve been reading quite a few blogs of people doing similar things, for example: , Pimp My PageRank and John Chow‘s blog where he has tips on howto make money online. He is also helping users out by offering to link to your blog if you review his blog.

Just thought I’d share what I’ve been upto and some interesting blogs 🙂

3 Replies to “Making Money Online – Is It Possible?”

  1. I saw your John Chow review (I’m an avid reader too) and came up with a similar back-linking scheme.

    Since my site isn’t as popular as John’s (yet), instead of a link I’m actually offering an 80GB iPod Video in a back-linking raffle. You don’t even need to write a review. If you’re interested check out the rules.

    – Erich (sorry for the blatant self promotion)

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