September 2007 Earnings

Another month has flown past!  They go quicker every month!

Straight into the numbers:

Account 1

Adsense for Content:   $69.20  (104.00)

Account 2

Adsense for Content:   $642.09   ($713.01)

Adsense for Referrals:    $250    ($0)

September 2007 Earnings Total:  $961.29   ($817.01)

Both Adsense for  Content accounts were down again this month, but thanks to a $250 adsense refferal paying off, this month is just up!

I’ve got a few things I’ve got to work on this month, which are hopefully more long term earners than short term, but lets see how they go.

6 Replies to “September 2007 Earnings”

  1. Dempsey:
    do you recommend getting monetized on your blog asap? I have been contemplating using Google AdSense, but I’m worried about the distraction it might bring–the potential to become an eye soar.

    Your thoughts?


  2. Lucy – I’m not sure, I’ve still never actually monetised this site as I don’t think I should before it’s too popular, but also I don’t want to wait too long before I do it, so not sure when to decide.

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